Silverwood Theme Park version 5.0
Silverwood Theme Park version 5.0
Posted by
Mike and Chris Pettey
on September 30, 2020

Silverwood has announced some fun activities that will be held during the month of October. The park will be open from 11am to 11pm for each of the four Saturdays, and will feature trick or treating, most of the thrill rides, and the Silverwood Afterparty in the evenings after 6pm. Here’s the full announcement:
October Saturdays (11:00am to 11:00pm) – Come out to Silverwood during the day and enjoy the fall colors while riding your favorite Silverwood attractions. For kids 12 and under, dress up in your Halloween costume and trick or treat at our retail locations. Each trick or treater will receive a stamp booklet to show at each candy location. When they have received all of their stamps, they will be able to turn in their stamp booklet to be entered to win a 2021 season pass! We will be drawing one winner each Saturday after close. Buy a ticket for the whole day and the Silverwood Afterparty is included!

Silverwood Afterparty (6:00pm to 11:00pm) – At 6:00, the atmosphere around Silverwood will change to the Silverwood Afterparty. This will be your chance to ride your favorite attractions, including Timber Terror Backwards, in the dark! Also, our newest walkthrough attraction, Dr. Delirium’s 3D Rockhouse, will open for those who dare. If you are a season pass holder, the Silverwood Afterparty is included!
This is great news, as a few extra pieces of Scarywood are now available for those wishing to indulge. On the surface, this is much more along the lines of a “Silverwood plus” than a “Scarywood light” type of event. But if that’s all we get this year, it’s better than nothing!
The trick or treating option, combined with allowing kids to wear their costumes, is very
reminiscent of the first year of Scarywood back in 2009. Not many participated in that, but who did (like the ones pictured above with the extremely elaborate costumes!) seemed to be having a great time. This year in particular, it’s a great option for kids who might not otherwise get the chance to trick or treat in their neighborhood.
In terms of the rides that will be open, everything will be running during the daytime hours. After 6pm, that list shrinks down to the “Scarywood” attraction roster we’re used to seeing in October – most of the coasters and thrill rides, plus most of the rides in country carnival. Aftershock is the only major coaster that likely won’t be running, as is usually the case this time of year due to the cold temperatures. There’s a possibility it could be open if the region lucks out with warmer weather, but we wouldn’t recommend getting your hopes up.
The most surprising piece of this announcement is that Dr. Delirium’s 3D Rockhouse will be open – complete with scareactors – as part of the Afterparty each night. This means it will only be open from 6pm until 11pm, not during the day. Silverwood will also be pumping all of the awesome tunes from the Rockhouse throughout all of the parks speakers, creating a fun atmosphere for the event.
If you haven’t experienced them before, 3D mazes are a lot of fun. They are generally much more tame when compared with other haunted attractions, and tend to have much more of a ‘fun’ vibe as opposed to gory/creepy/disturbing. There are a ton of cool effects and visual treats throughout; way more than you can spot the first few times through. Dr. Delirium’s 3D Rockhouse was easily the best 3D maze that Scarywood has ever put together, so giving folks a chance to experience it this year is a major plus.
Bottom line: if you’ve been itching to try a small slice of Scarywood all these years, but haven’t mustered up the courage, the Silverwood Afterparty is a chance to experience just that. You get Timber Terror backwards, all the thrill rides in the dark, and one relatively tame haunt. We’ll take it!
Written by
Mike and Chris Pettey
Are you planning to attend the park during October? Are you excited about the Silverwood Afterparty? Planning to take your kids trick or treating at the park? Let us know in the comments below - we LOVE hearing from all of you!